Saturday, 31 January 2009
Guru Har Rai - 7th Guru
Go to Sikhi Wiki here.
Friday, 30 January 2009
I am bountiful

I am bountiful
I am beautiful
I am bliss
I am
I am
In my Friday yoga class I taught the set for prana apana, and ended the class with the above meditation, using the same celestial communication in "Mantras in Motion".
We sat in a circle and it was beautiful. 11 students and me.
I haven't done any yoga during the week. My weight is the same as it was beginning of January. Since the start of 2009, I lost 3 pounds and gained it back the week after the week I lost it. All of this despite the fact that my main goal for 2009 is to lose weight.
I think I can't trust myself to fit yoga in everyday, unless I finally, once and for all start to do sadhana every morning. I know it will be life-changing and I know I will never look back. I don't know what it is that holds me back. I know I am not a morning person, but ocassionally, I HAVE been wide awake at 5 a.m. and I am almost scared to do sadhana. I know it sounds incredibly silly but I think I know that it will connect me to the infinite, and I think on some level I am scared of that. If I am really honest, I am scared of leaving the status quo. It is easier to be ME than face the potential of being ALL I am capable of.
Anyone finding this blog, will be expecting direction from a seasoned yogi, given that I have been practising since 2002, BUT I called this blog "Kundalini Journey TRUTHS" for a reason.
I needed an outlet for my innermost true feelings that I never say out loud, for fear of sounding CRAP. But because I am a perfectionist, saying it out loud now, online, will start the course that gives me a degree of accountability.
My hotline to the heavens is readily opened and I know sadhana will have me radiant, glowing and a better person. I just need to take that step into the unknown. Whenever I do sadhana at the Yoga Festival or at a retreat I am in 7th heaven. What doesn't help is I don't drive, so even though there are several group sadhanas around it is hard to access them.
I aim to start a daily sadhana practice either Saturday or Sunday this weekend. Fingers crossed I will. Once I start....... I will log here my journey......... what kriyas I choose, the effects they have on me........... everything........ warts and all. Wish me luck. Wahe Guru!
Bye for now,
KY Heart.
Sat Nam.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
I am the Light of the Soul
If you would like to watch it, see You Tube at:
You Tube: Light of the Soul, from Yoga Festival 2007
Bye for now, KY Heart
Sat nam
Monday, 26 January 2009
1,000 day sadhana meditation
The 1,000 day meditation begins February 14, 2009 and ends November 10, 2011.
"We are quickly approaching the long awaited transition to the Aquarian Age.
Much has been written about this. In essence it is humanity’s transition from
adolescence to maturity. We leave behind the Piscean Era and enter into an age
of global awareness, radiance, intuition and cooperation, an era that will usher
in an age of equanimity and prosperity, accompanied by an evolution in our
capacity to perceive, think, feel and sense. Such growth would mean that much
would need to be left behind—old structures and ways of thinking, communicating
and living will pass. Confusion, depression, and conflicts will increase as the
old ways of holding power—politically, religiously, socially and personally—all
fight their last fight. This period of testing and growth will last until 2038,
when a new stewardship of this planet and our selves will be realized and peace
will have an opportunity to prevail on Earth".Find the full details here:
Gong Xi Fa Chai or Gong hei fat choi

Alternatively: Gong hei fat choi, which loosely translates to "Congratulations and be prosperous". Often mistakenly assumed to be synonymous with "Happy new year", its usage dates back several centuries. The saying is now commonly heard in English speaking communities for greetings during Chinese New Year in parts of the world where there is a sizable Chinese-speaking community.
Read here, if you want to know where the London celebrations will be.
Bye for now,
Sunday, 25 January 2009
hummee hum brahm hum
It suddenly hit me that it was after 9 p.m. and I hadn't done any yoga.
So I dug out Devotion's Kundalini Yoga for a Conscious Pregnancy (no, I am not pregnant) and did the celestial communication meditation hummee hum brahm hum along with the DVD.
It was so so beautiful and I enjoyed every minute of it. I recognised the music from A Game of Chants, and could hear Seal's voice, which I just love. I bought the CD a few months back, from Devotion and it is superb.
Well, I haven't done any yoga, but I consider meditation as keeping up a daily practice, and it has put joy in my heart and light & love in my sitting room, so for today, I am more than happy with that.
I am also happy that I felt guided in WTY to set up this blog and have done it the very next day.
I may go off now, as I desperately need to do my tax returns with the deadline looming.
Love & Light
KY Heart
definition of the mantra hummee hum brahm hum: "We are we, and we are one." On a spiritual level, it means we are already everything we need to be.
Credit Crunch? Go to Goa!
He openly encouraged city folk to do the same and join him. I quite like the thought of brokers and bankers going to India. :-) Hopefully they will get enlightened while there and make the world a better place.
He said in Goa he has met, ex-bankers, ex-lawyers etc... who have all decided the credit crunch is the perfect excuse to leave the rat race. Read his article here, although it is slightly different to the one I read in the paper but 99% the same.
Another line I liked from the column (I hope it is in the online version) is that they have gone to "remind themselves that they are not wage-slaves". This again, is an opportunity for inner reflection, which I think is *super*. Given that there are lots of redundancies happening, anything one can do to feel back in the driving seat, is good for the soul.
Bye for now
KY Heart
White Tantra - London - 24th January 2009
In 2004, I went to Summer Solstice with Guru Dharam in Glastonbury and decided that day, that I would finally become vegetarian. I can sadly say it only lasted one and a half years. But I made the same decision at WTY yesterday. I have to start living the path. Which involves having a daily practice, being vegetarian, etc..... My accountability to follow that daily path begins today.
My favourite mantra yesterday was:
I am thine in mine myself wahe guru
Humee hum, toomee too (M) wahe guru
I really really sing it from the heart. And it makes me feel 10 foot tall. We had to sing it back to back, with our partners, for 31 minutes.... ah and there's another point. Nothing yesterday was 62 minutes. A whole day free of 62 min meditations. When I say it was a gentle day, it really really was. As I haven't been fit the last couple of years, I still ached when I got in, so had a long hot bath, which really worked as I feel great today.
Another thing I promised myself during the day, was that I would start to do sadhana at home. But, I woke up at 1 o'clock today. Yes, I slept 13 hours. I guess I needed it, as it was a deep sleep. Today so far, I have had a massive bowl of porridge, so I am going to keep junk food totally at bay, and really mean to stay on the vegetarian track.
My partner yesterday was absolutely fabulous, and I only found her there, but she was fun, supportive, relaxed, and simply perfect. We will stay in touch.
I picked up a flyer for a workshop Guru Dharam is running on 31st January, and the words on it are very interesting:
"As the shift prophesied by both Rishis of ancient India and the Astronomer Priests of Meso-America comes to pass, we are challenged to adjust our society and ourselves in the light of a new order. Are we prepared to receive the new? Are we ready to discard the old? How has our status and position altered in the current economic configuration? Are you the same person or have events changed your perception of self ? Kundalini Yoga and meditation enable you to place aspirations for change, transition and spiritual awareness into overdrive".
Thought provoking words me-thinks.
I have recently been thinking that the credit crunch invites us to scale down, and go within. Survive on less, but enjoy, really enjoy what we survive on. We are no longer worth our credit rating, we are now worth our self-worth. With that in mind, I was reading "The Spend Less Handbook" and the following quote in there really jumped out at me. The author says it is from "How to Simplify your Life":
"A frugal person ... might relish eating a single orange, enjoying the colour and texture of the whole fruit, the smell and the light spray that comes as you begin to peel it, the translucence of each section, the flood of the flavour... and the thrift of saving the peels for
Then after that, the author Rebecca Ash goes on to say:
"Become lighter in everything you do or own. Enjoy having less in your drawers, less in your wardrobe, less in your car. Your unconscious mind is weighed down by everything you own. It stores up knowledge of everything you own. Whatever things you have in your home, you also carry round in your head. The more you have, the less you are".
These really resonated with me, as I have so so so much clutter and I am a hoarder. My Mum kept telling me that at Xmas too. Another thing I need to sort out. But my journey now begins.
Kundalini Yoga is designed to open the heart, but my heart is very very very open, and always has been, so I have to now make it my mission to focus on the things I avoid, like frog pose, and crow pose (my thighs are very very weak).
Yogi Bhajan says "keep up" but I think with me, I first need to "get up" :-)
That's all for now.
Sat Nam